This year, hand on heart, I saw Christmas decorations for sale on October 1. When I was little, we didn’t even start thinking about Christmas until after...
It is in the natural order of things: Parents die and their children live on after them. If it happens and those parents are themselves young, it feels...
In choosing a story, simply follow the advice of C.S. Lewis, author of The Chronicles of Narnia, who said, "No book is really worth reading at the age of...
From nursery rhymes to fantasy anthologies, fill your shelves with stories to raise your children by. Several years ago I stood in a long line at the airport...
Ten years ago, on Memorial Day of 1999, I received the call every parent dreads. It was from a detective in Steubenville, Ohio. He asked me if I knew where my...
Baptism might not have exactly saved this baby’s life, but it showed his family the power of love and faith. As a religious educator, I have always...
Natural Family Planning has come a long a way, baby. Not only does it meet the church’s moral standard for spacing births, it keeps a marriage going. I...
Our family’s initiation to the new era of children’s birthday parties began when our first child was 9 months old. I accepted an invitation to a...
Sean Reynolds cheerfully agreed to torpedo tired old thinking at the National Symposium on Adolescent Catechesis last November. The symposium, dreamed up by...
Handing on the faith to one’s children is a learn-as-you-go thing. Often you find your heart in your mouth, like the day you drove off from the hospital with...