Sister Nancy Sylvester has grown accustomed to the fact that life often takes unexpected turns. When Sylvester entered the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate...
Expert Witness
When she entered religious life, Sister Nancy Sylvester, I.H.M. expected to get a habit and a new name. Instead she got a call to action. As Nancy Sylvester...
“We’ve gotten away from the real meaning of food, and the power of food,” Michael Pollan told us in a December 2013 interview. The famous food author has...
This famous food author insists there’s much to be gained from sitting around the table and sharing a home-cooked meal. For award-winning author Michael...
After spending 20 years meditating on a number of visions, Julian of Norwich developed a deep understanding of God and produced her famous work, Revelations of...
When Father William Meninger left his post in the Diocese of Yakima, Washington in 1963 to join the Trappists at St. Joseph Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts, he...
Our country’s drone policy has been operating mostly behind closed doors. According to law professor David Cole, that’s a troubling reality for a program that...
Rules of engagement for targeted killings have been shrouded in secrecy. According to this legal expert, we still need more transparency. David Cole is no...
Pope Francis has put a “church of the poor” front and center. How should First World Christians respond to his invitation and challenge? Roberto S. Goizueta...
Theology professor Roberto Goizueta offers a crash course on the popular traditions of Latino Catholics. Every community within the church celebrates different...