Sixty years ago, the Second Vatican Council document Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) directed Catholics to read the...
One of the greatest influences in my life has been Catholic education. In my Catholic parochial grade school, I first learned what it meant to be a follower of...
In June the U.S. Supreme Court struck down what had been considered a sacrosanct civil rights achievement, ruling affirmative action programs at Harvard...
My mother didn’t want to homeschool us, but my father insisted. When she resisted, he manipulated her into continuing. I pondered this while I read an article...
Home schooling, once a niche option for countercultural groups, has become more mainstream. Data from the Census Bureau indicate that between 1999 and 2012 the...
“I can’t do this because I’m an atheist.” “I can’t do this because I’m Christian, not Catholic.” “I can’t do this because I don’t know what I believe.” These...
As another academic year begins and students and parents scramble to gather all the supplies they need for school, let’s not forget the resources we have in...
College student Maria Dominguez juggled a lot during her junior year as a political science major at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois. In...
I did not say anything. Students played it cool. I heard a few students gasp in surprise when they walked into my room after Christmas break. Other...
It is an old saw that a liberal education is a value in and of itself, but when students are asked to matriculate with a lifetime of debt, can anyone honestly...