The Acts of the Apostles gives us an idyllic vision of the earliest Christian communities: All who believed were together and had all things in common; they...
Economic justice
Minimum-wage laws are intended to put an absolute bottom on the depths to which wages might otherwise sink left to their own—that is, corporate—devices. But...
Listen on: Apple | Spotify What if every family in the United States had enough resources to afford secure housing, eat nourishing food, pay medical bills and...
As the U.S. bishops gather in Louisville this month, on their agenda will be a discussion of the future of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)...
When Vincent de Paul entered the priesthood, he was largely motivated by ambition. As a priest, he served the powerful de Gondi family as a tutor and spiritual...
If you suffer from high blood pressure, read Walt Bogdanich and Mike Forsythe’s When McKinsey Comes to Town (Doubleday) with caution and in small doses. The...
Our first outing as a family of five, the day after we brought our youngest home from the hospital, was to the local WIC and Social Services office. Despite...
“They say we are trash people. White trash.” So begins the new book Trash: A Poor White Journey (Broadleaf), written by Cedar Monroe. “It’s a fraught title...
In 2017, a Renaissance masterpiece by Leonardo DaVinci titled Salvator Mundi, which depicts Christ as the savior of the world, sold for $450 million dollars...
Growing up in West Texas, I was accustomed to conservative Christianity from a very young age. Not necessarily a doctrinal conservatism; most Christians I knew...