Seated in a circle on sofas and easy chairs at a church rectory in a largely Hispanic section of South Bend, Indiana, a group of students from Notre Dame...
In the spring of 2008, a visitor to the small town of Postville, Iowa might have been surprised at what she found. In a region populated mostly by descendants...
The problem is so tenacious because, despite its virtues and attributes, America is deeply racist and its democracy is flawed both economically and socially...
“Your sons and daughters will prophesy . . .” (Acts 2:17). I write this when hundreds of thousands of middle and high school students across the nation joined...
The holiest of weeks began in procession, then and now. At some point we exchanged dirt roads and donkeys for concrete sidewalks and poster board, but the...
If 2017 was a year of protest—from the Women’s March to the People’s Climate March—what is in store for 2018? Among those continuing to protest and form...
In April we will mark the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. He was killed in Memphis while supporting sanitation workers on strike...
At 8th Day Center for Justice, commitment to the common good extends even to lunch hour. “You can go out, but the culture is that we come together for lunch,”...
On November 5, 2017, Devin Kelley shot and killed 26 people and wounded 20 others during a Sunday service inside First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs...
One day as we were walking home from kindergarten, my 5-year-old daughter sighed loudly as a plastic bag blew past her feet on the sidewalk. “What is it?” I...