After the two archbishops placed their bets on the outcome of the World Series, a couple of nuns struck up a friendly rivalry through Facebook. According to...
U.S. Catholic Blog
While the travails of now-suspended "luxury bishop" Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst of Limburg are garnering headlines all over the world—a...
With the government shutdown, glitches, and gun control issues, immigration reform has been put on the back burner since June. This morning...
Game 1 of the World Series between the Boston Red Sox and the St. Louis Cardinals is tonight, and Cardinal O'Malley of Boston has bet St. Louis Archbishop...
It’s already been pretty widely discussed that the new voter restriction laws put in place in Texas and North Carolina work to disenfranchise minority or...
It seems like there's been a lot of news in the past few days, but here's an interesting story that has kind of slipped through the cracks: Pope...
With drug-detecting technology getting ever more sophisticated, a Catholic school is taking another step toward monitoring the extracurricular activities of...
2016 is still a long way off, but there’s another important election coming up in just a few short weeks: The vote to determine the next president and...
As the weeklong activities concluded in Des Moines, Iowa for the World Food Prize, the hoped for guidance to light a way forward through the minefield of...
T.G.I.F., am I right? And by that I mean, The Government Is Funded. This is your weekly roundup. First, let's go to fast-food news. A recent study at U.C...