Read The Least of These By Carla Swafford Works (Eerdmans, 2020) “The apostle Paul does not have a reputation for caring about ‘the least of these,’ ”...
Author - The Editors
The U.S. Catholic staff is delighted to welcome Claretian Father Ferdinand Okorie as the magazine’s new editor-in-chief, effective July 1, 2020. Father Okorie...
In the days and weeks since the killing of George Floyd and the protests for racial justice in all 50 states, lists have circulated of books, articles, and...
Read Spiritual Conversations with Children By Lacy Finn Borgo (InterVarsity Press, 2020) Imagine what it would have been like if someone had asked you...
It’s a privilege I’d like to share my thoughts on white privilege after reading Sister Helen Prejean’s interview (“Wake-up call,” Expert Witness, January). I...
Using their voice I applaud the students of Shelly’s Voice Advocacy Group for standing up to the Indianapolis archdiocese in defense of their teacher, Shelly...
Morning meditation I connected strongly to Shanna Johnson’s article on prayer and dog walking (“Paws and pray,” Practicing Catholic, October). Like Johnson on...
1. Support people. An integral part of recovery for people with mental illness is to have a supportive faith community to rely on for their spiritual needs...
It may be summertime, but anyone paying attention to the news likely finds it anything but restful. So if you find yourself...
As religious leaders around the United Sates publicly condemn the Trump administration’s defense and continued mishandling of the immoral...