Field Hospital: Mark Joseph Williams

In this episode of the podcast, Mark Joseph Williams discusses healing from sexual abuse and the importance of holding the church accountable.

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Editors’ note: This episode speaks on sexual abuse, trauma, and healing, and contains content that may be disturbing to some listeners.

“I forgave my abuser. But I will never forget his abuse.” This was the title of Mark Joseph Williams’ powerful essay published by America magazine in 2020. In his essay, Mark quoted Richard Rohr’s prayer: Turn your wounds into sacred gifts.

What does it mean to turn one’s wounds into gifts? In today’s episode of Field Hospital, Mike and Jeannie talk with Mark about this and more: about his journey of healing, his work advocating for survivors, and the importance of holding the church accountable.

A management consultant and a forensic social worker from New Jersey, Mark serves as special advisor in the Archdiocese of Newark for Cardinal Joseph Tobin. He is the co-founder of the Global Collaborative, a survivor-led organization promoting accountability, justice, and healing.

You can learn more about Mark Joseph Williams and the Global Collaborative, as well as find resources for survivors, through these links: