seeking life

Seeking Life – discussion questions


Baptism is fundamental to our Christian identity that many congregations renew their baptismal promises each year on Easter. Yet how well do we understand the spirit and depth of those vows?

Whenever we enter a church we are reminded that baptism is the foundation of the Christian life, its starting point. In recalling our baptismal covenant, do we really prepare ourselves sufficiently for this moment? Is it too easy to take it for granted? Would it mean more if we took time beforehand in preparations, through reading and prayer?

How does reflecting on the baptismal themes available in the Prologue of The Rule of St. Benedict help us to reflect on our baptismal vocation?

Upon entering into the deeper realities to which baptismal symbols are pointing us, How can we recover our symbolic identity? Are we ready for this encounter? For the unfolding of these mysteries that are close at hand but still hidden? And then, having listened, are we prepared to respond to what we will find?

Discover how the Prologue is a way into prayer, but in the context of its connection with the catechetical instruction given in preparation for baptism.

How is Lectio Divina a gift for the baptized?

How can we look beyond ourselves to the wider Church and the divisions and controversies to what we as Christians share to understand the words of scripture and the reality of our common baptism?

If Benedict brings you face to face with your true self, are you prepared to listen from a place that is open and not closed, vulnerable and not protected?

In the chapter "Love", the author explores this passage from the Prologue of The Rule of St. Benedict, "Our Hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love." How can this reflection show us a love that is pure delight and put the love of Christ at the center of everything else?

How does turning to the Prologue of the Rule help us to see that in the areas of both practical help and spiritual encouragement we have been given very substantial teaching?

How do you keep alive your baptismal commitments? What might you do to refresh and deepen your faith and practice?

The intention of preparing ourselves for the renewal of our baptismal commitment has taken us not only into the area of the verbal but also into image and symbol, verse as song and poetry, words used for storytelling and remembering. What baptismal catechetical teaching do you find speaks most closely to you in your life?