Racism is a sin: a sin that divides the human family, blots out the image of God among specific members of the family, and violates the fundamental human...
Back in the day, the rock band The Doors performed a song titled “Petition the Lord with Prayer.” Its refrain ran-in contrast to the title...
It’s a common scene in any hospital. A person is rushed in with a life-threatening condition. Family members wait in the emergency room. Two doctors...
One way of evacuating a funeral home via the back door is to have a priest come up the front stairs. Catholics of a certain vintage, such as those with vague...
Holy days of obligation-days when Catholics are required to celebrate Eucharist-are a result of tradition, devotion, and church law, and their number has...
“The 40 days of Lent” has always been more of a metaphor than a literal count. Over the course of history the season of preparation for Easter...
At the heart of our faith is the Passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus. We celebrate this mystery—this Paschal Mystery—every Sunday, in every Eucharist...
“LATE HAVE I LOVED YOU, O Beauty so ancient and so new. Late have I love you!” So prayed the passionate theologian and pastor of the early church, St...
Wine possesses a multi-layered significance that brings Christians into communion with Christ but also with one another, with our Jewish heritage, and with...
Why Catholics and Muslims must keep talking Sayyid Syeed, former secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America and a member of the Midwest Region...