She spoke little English — just isolated words you had to build the intended sentence around in your mind. But it never seemed to get in the way of our...
“President tries to woo evangelical vote.” “Evangelicals condemn biblical scholar.” While there are no shortage of headlines that include the word...
Former denizens of evangelical arenas are finding new homes in the age-old sanctuaries of Catholicism. It took Mark Shea four tries to become a Catholic...
The angelic little tot, so cute in her Sunday best, is letting out some not-so-cute cries from the pew behind you. Do you: a) smile sweetly to yourself...
The biggest question in the sex abuse crisis is why some bishops still have their jobs. It could have come out of any newspaper’s police blotter: Adult male...
When we talk about “the catechism” today we are most likely referring to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1992 to...
In Pope Benedict XVI’s message for last year’s World Day of Communications, he summoned pastors to make the most of today’s technology to foster dialogue...
A church historian explains why the events of the 1960s still echo through the church 40 years later. Mark Massa, S.J. was 14 years old on the First Sunday of...
Parishes cross barriers of language and culture to make their Sunday celebrations more inclusive. When Gini Eagen came to Corpus Christi Catholic Church in...
Most Catholics have a pet list of teachings that they wish would be declared infallibly, or ex cathedra (from the Chair of Peter). Odds are that these often...