I really don’t appreciate when someone tells me I can’t do something. After being rejected from the University of Notre Dame my senior year of high school, I...
Our Faith
As the eldest of four brothers, a still-haunting refrain was pounded into my head by my parents throughout my childhood: “Be a good example.” I hated this...
Towering intellect. Contemplative religious. Loyal friend. Such were a few of the many sides of Edith Stein. She’s also like an older sister to me. During her...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: When I was young, I didn’t really believe in God, but got the sacrament of Confirmation anyway to make...
If I ask you to imagine the middle child of the Brady Bunch—Jan—shaking her head and lamenting “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia,” can you picture her knitted forehead...
“There’s a whole host of changing issues around what constitutes a family, and I think the Catholic Church brings a lot to that conversation that’s really...
Praying the Magnificat with monks can be a jarring experience. Most parish communities pray at a pace more in line with an auctioneer—quick and efficient. But...
A researcher by training, I immediately ordered a short stack of books when I found out I was pregnant with my first child. For eight months, Heidi Murkoff’s...
Our Lady of Częstochowa is striking in many ways, but the scars on her right cheek make her truly unique. They are battle scars that the Black Madonna suffered...
In my final trimester of pregnancy with our firstborn, I followed all of the Prepare for Baby instructions provided enthusiastically by friends, strangers, and...