Sarah is a new Catholic and joined the Catholic Church in 2020. (Sarah is uncomfortable using her last name in this story, as she hasn’t yet shared with many...
In the Pews
Can you state—or approximate—the mission statement of your parish, school, university, or organization? I mean from memory, without pulling up the website on...
The gap between devotees of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) and those who prefer the Novus Ordo (“new order”) has measurably widened over the past two years...
As a liturgical musician, it is easy for some of the annual celebrations to run together in my mind. I usually can’t remember if we sang a certain arrangement...
Home schooling, once a niche option for countercultural groups, has become more mainstream. Data from the Census Bureau indicate that between 1999 and 2012 the...
In 1967, Brother Benno Garrity arrived at the Prince of Peace Abbey in Oceanside, California. While he was sent to the monastery to retire, he quickly was...
The Catholic Church is renowned for slow processes, long lead times, and predictable rhythms that play out over decades and even centuries. One quip is that...
The priest, robed in red, processes down the aisle to the church entrance and removes his mask—though he won’t be speaking. An assistant presider holds open a...
Recent events, including the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and the decision of a few bishops to bar prominent politicians from...
College student Maria Dominguez juggled a lot during her junior year as a political science major at Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois. In...