With the help of his aptly-titled book, Jesuit Father James Martin has begun building a bridge between the LGBT community and the Catholic Church. Outraged by...
In the Pews
During Holy Week 2016, an obituary written by a woman in Duluth, Minnesota caught national media attention. Eleni Pinnow wrote the obituary for her young adult...
March Madness hit a whole new level of crazy this year—and I’m not even talking about the 16-seed upset. The dizzying array of action on the basketball court...
At least 25 years ago the late Archbishop of New York Cardinal John O’Connor told me there were secret discussions in Rome about restoring women to the...
Guests pull blankets tightly around them, covering feet and hands cracked and dry from the cold. For a few hours they find rest and a decent sleep, something...
At my former parish I was the catechist for second graders, students for whom the chief focus and driving dynamic of the school year was, of course...
This year I did something I swore I would never do: I ditched the parish pledge envelopes and signed up for automatic deduction. For years I had been committed...
If your kids are anything like mine, Advent has less to do with preparing for the arrival of baby Jesus and more to do with the studied preparation of...
The moment was 79 years ago, but it is as fresh in my mind as if it were yesterday: I was a first grader in Catholic school and, as such, was expected to...
At our little parish in Rhode Island, an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group meets once a week in the early evening. An Al-Anon group, for those affected by...