A piece of wisdom that both my parents and in-laws infused in my wife and me is the paradox of choice: You are free to choose, but you are not free from the...
In the Pews
When I got up Sunday morning, December 30, 2018, I wasn’t ready for an adventure. I was staying in the guesthouse of the Arua, Uganda diocesan radio station...
After the death of his son Eric in a mountain climbing accident, Nicholas Wolterstorff summed up the dilemma of the grieving parent in his book, Lament for a...
How would you feel about someone skateboarding in a church? I imagine many of us instantly recoil at the thought. But what if it was a church that was no...
Many family and church friends would sacrifice a limb, as they say, for the well-being of their children or grandchildren. They are also prepared to give the...
Every fall, 40 Days for Life—an annual campaign promoted throughout the church in the United States—advocates for the sanctity of life and an end to abortion...
We parishioners of St. Jude the Apostle Church in Erie, Pennsylvania are excited this year to be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the dedication of our...
My family has had the privilege of our fiscal health improving throughout the pandemic—bolstered retirement accounts thanks to a rallying stock market...
It’s the Moon of Snowblindness on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. It’s been a cold March with the temperature often below zero. The road passes Wounded Knee...
For most of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, educators, students, and families alike were just hanging on to survive school in the midst of a pandemic. Some...