If profit is the prime motive, the poor will always get the raw end of the deal. When lives are on the balance sheet, how should a credit program for the poor...
Catholic Voices
The Internet keeps its promise in Egypt. In the early days of the World Wide Web, HTML practitioners maintained the googly-eyed optimism of people who thought...
Church teaching is the same always and everywhere—except when it isn’t. Using the words “pope” and “condom” in the same sentence is bound to draw attention;...
The country’s cities may no longer be the epicenters of poverty. After 18 months of unemployment that has refused to budge below 9.6 percent, it will come as...
The land of Jesus’ birth may soon be without Christians to celebrate it. At eventide the square of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem lights up like a...
The new translation of the liturgy will speak volumes about the church that prays it. November 28, 2010, the First Sunday of Advent, marks the beginning not...
When it comes to economic growth, the express lanes are closed. You've probably heard friends complain about tie-ups in Los Angeles or Chicago or New York...
Only our better angels can guide us to interreligious understanding. American politics always seems to turn on the next "threat" to our security...
American birthright citizenship is downright Constitutional. The birther movement is at it again. No, I’m not talking about the fringe group that...
The church as we know it won’t last if its broad middle begins to shrink. Pop culture journalists had the brass ring of celebrity stories dropped on them in...