Almost twenty years ago my family moved to the country. We had outgrown our small fixer-upper in the city, and as I had the option to work from home, we...
Catholic Voices
Readings (Year B): 1 Kings 17:10–16Psalm 146:7–10Hebrews 9:24–28Mark 12:38–44 Reflection: God will provide Her words reverberated through the college lecture...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: I am uncomfortable with the idea of going to reconciliation, but I would like to get some things off...
Readings (Year B): Deuteronomy 6:2–6Psalm 18:2–4, 47, 51Hebrews 7:23–28Mark 12:28–34 Reflection: Love, love, love Music is essential to any liturgy, a priest...
Readings (Year B): Jeremiah 31:7–9Psalm 126:1–6Hebrews 5:1–6Mark 10:46–52 Reflection: What do you want? Most of us have no idea what it is like to be...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: I often stream pirated movies online when I can’t find another way to watch them. Is this...
Earlier this year, a lot of (sometimes misleading) controversy swirled around the question of abortion, Catholic politicians, and communion. This isn’t a new...
Readings (Year B): Isaiah 53:10–11Psalm 33:4–5, 18–20, 22Hebrews 4:14–16Mark 10:35–45 Reflection: Great service I once attended a national Catholic conference...
The damage Hurricane Ida inflicted on Louisiana was terrible—second only to Katrina 16 years to the day before Ida—but pretty much what forecasters expected...
Readings (Year B): Wisdom 7:7–11Psalm 90:12–17Hebrews 4:12–13Mark 10:17–30 Reflection: God is not a minimalist. With all the rage around minimalism these days...