Cabrini Directed by Alejandro Monteverde (Angel Studios, 2024) In 1946, Frances Xavier Cabrini became the first U.S. citizen to be canonized. “Mother Cabrini,”...
Arts & Culture
Judaism Is About Love by Shai Held (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2024) Some years ago, I took classes in Judaism. One day, the rabbi talked about differences...
Prelude to Ecstasy The Last Dinner Party (Island, 2024) London-based indie/baroque rock band The Last Dinner Party makes an impressive debut with Prelude to...
Ethan Hawke’s Wildcat opens, very nearly, with a familiar scenario: a dispiriting encounter between a young artist with an exacting creative vision and a...
There’s probably no more “post-Christian” place on Earth than contemporary Scandinavia. According to the Pew Foundation, only 7 percent of Norwegians say they...
Jessica Hooten Wilson was raised to believe that “Christians should dwell on the good and the beautiful,” she writes in her introduction to Flannery...
Avatar: The Last Airbender Developed by Albert Kim (Netflix, 2024) On one hand, Avatar: The Last Airbender is familiar, almost predictable. Repeatedly, Avatar...
In 1964, artist Norman Rockwell, best known for his photorealistic depictions of everyday American life, painted the now-iconic picture of 6-year-old Ruby...
Zero at the Bone By Christian Wiman (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2023) Despair hits differently at different times, and sometimes what hits isn’t despair, but a...
Back to Moon Beach Kurt Vile (Verve Forecast, 2023) If you’re not listening to Kurt Vile’s latest release, the EP Back to Moon Beach, on repeat, you need to...