One of the more intriguing questions about the new Flannery O’Connor film Wildcat is how it came about in the first place. Directed and co-written by actor...
Arts & Culture
Don’t Forget Me Maggie Rogers (Debay Sounds, 2024) When Maggie Rogers became famous after the release of her 2019 album Heard It in a Past Life, she realized...
I Used to be Funny Directed by Ally Pankiw (Levelfilm, 2024) Despite being branded a comedy-drama, I Used to be Funny is more of a drama about comedy. The film...
Brat Charli XCX (Atlantic, 2024) Am I crying, or is the lime green just searing my eyes? Brat, the latest dispatch from pop maverick Charli XCX, is packaged as...
When screening his exceptional film Pope Francis: A Man of His Word at the Film Society at Lincoln Center in New York, the internationally acclaimed filmmaker...
One of the great things about Catholicism is its rich tradition filled with saints, theologians, and artists who continue to fascinate and inspire. The church...
In the Shadow of Freedom By Alessandra Harris (Orbis, 2024) Alessandra Harris offers an extensively researched work on the Christian world’s role in the...
Dark Matter Pearl Jam (Monkeywrench, 2024) When you love a band, it can be a challenge to write about them. I have seen Pearl Jam live in concert at least six...
Monkey Man Directed by Dev Patel (Universal Pictures, 2024) Monkey Man, directed by and starring Indian actor Dev Patel, uses its trailer to showcase Patel...
Purpose By Samuel T. Wilkinson (Pegasus Books, 2024) Yale psychiatrist Samuel T. Wilkinson’s Purpose belongs to a small but highly touted group of recent...