“Mama, it’s a woman!” These words were uttered with wide-eyed excitement by 7-year-old Lucy Rau when she heard a gospel reflection at Immaculate Conception...
Women in the church
As a teenager learning to drive in Los Angeles, I remember navigating with the Thomas Guide, a map book larger than most textbooks. It was unwieldy, confusing...
In September 2023, five women who had made abuse allegations against Slovenian artist and former Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik publicized an open letter in...
Two weeks after University of Mary sophomore Katie arrived in Rome for her study abroad program, she learned she was pregnant. “I had absolutely no idea who to...
At Halloween, my big brother liked to terrify me with stories about live burial. While our parents thought we were sleeping, he told me tales of screams rising...
Dorina Pena describes herself as a “church lady supreme.” A founding member of the young adult ministry at St. Vincent de Paul parish in Philadelphia, 38-year...
When I was a young adult, I didn’t think I was a feminist. This was not because I didn’t want the same opportunities men had. At the evangelical ranch, camp...
Listen on: Apple | Google | Spotify Radical equality, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social class, was at the heart of the faith and practice of the early...
Listen on: Apple | Google | Spotify Are we on the path to a more just politics and equitable world? If we are, women are going to lead us there. It’s the...
The following is an excerpt from Just Church: Catholic Social Teaching, Synodality, and Women by Phyllis Zagano (Paulist Press, 2023). It can seem simplistic...