Once ubiquitous, the parish priest is disappearing into thin air, with troubling effects on young Catholic imaginations. A few years ago while teaching, I...
Our readers have some strong ideas about how to build a better clergy–from training to ordination requirements to personal traits that make a priest...
Having taught in and studied seminaries for 20 years, Katarina Schuth sizes up the changes in today's seminaries and the men they are forming for the...
Celibacy isn't the problem, argues Father Andrew Greeley. It's the lifelong service to the priesthood that scares away young men. I've been doing...
Religious clothing allows Catholics to make a fashion statement about their faith, says a young priest who sports the look that a previous generation put away...
Multiple parish pastoring became an issue in the United States in the late 1980s and early 90s as the number of priests started to decline, according to Mark...
Pastors across the country serve two, three, and even seven parishes. With innovation and flexibility, parishes are learning as they go. Father Ed Vanorny...
Many consider fervent “JPII priests” a clear byproduct of today’s seminaries—which leads them to wonder what kind of social training seminarians receive. For...
As wing tips and clerical collars replace sandals and golf shirts, parishes react to a new style of priest. When the alarm clock rings, Father James Moore, 33...
Mmusong is a small but vibrant Catholic community of about 700 high in the mountains of South Africa. On Sundays the simple church building is full, but most...