By Timothy Beal (HarperOne, 2009) Timothy Beal wants you-to read the Bible. Actually, he's making the case that everybody should. His argument is simple...
When you listen to a gospel story, it may sound familiar, but perhaps you could have sworn you heard it differently before. Perhaps there was a detail you had...
For most of the year Christians hear a part of a letter of St. Paul read during Sunday worship. But if you had stopped Paul on the street in some place like...
“By what authority are you doing these things?” (Mark 11:27–28). With this and similar questions the gospels relentlessly portray Jesus’ opponents—the chief...
People today tend to think that history is pretty much about facts. Though history is always interpreted, the aim of history is to uncover facts to paint a...
Yes, the gospels present four different portraits of Jesus. That's the whole point. Like many Catholics of their generation, Daniel Harrington's family...
The scarcity of our most precious resource will make you rethink your morning shower. From her mud-walled hut in the village of Gutu Dobi, Ethiopia, Loko...
The Earth is warming and we are responsible. This is the undeniable conclusion reached by 2,000 scientists and policy experts contributing to the United...
Sometimes we all need to have a heart-to-heart with God and own up to our shortcomings. Psalm 51 shows us how to do it. "Have mercy on me, O God, in your...
If there’s anything that will turn you off democracy, it has to be a U.S. presidential election. From obnoxious robo-calls to venomous attack ads to an inbox...