Recent films and TV series shine a light on the plight of aliens among us. Television and movie screens were chock-full of aliens this summer: scary...
Science and technology
Catholics are using the latest tools to connect ancient faith with today’s digital reality. Less than a decade ago, social and media wouldn’t have been seen...
In one month last year Americans spent 63.5 billion minutes engaging in social media. Drawing conclusions from another study, a January article in the...
In Pope Benedict XVI’s message for last year’s World Day of Communications, he summoned pastors to make the most of today’s technology to foster dialogue...
A web video competition shows young Catholics how they can share their faith online. God’s providence can manifest through technology, according to Suzanne...
The age of the universe alone requires us to talk about creation and Christ in new language. “The whole cosmos, from the big bang on, is that Word of God being...
Far from being a threat to faith, modern science is an invitation to get better acquainted with the force behind the universe. How can you believe in...
When the Claretians started printing a magazine 75 years ago, they couldn’t have imagined Internet publishing, let alone web 2.0 tools and social...
No need to lug volumes of spiritual readings around—God’s on your smartphone. It took me months to save up the money to buy the four leather-bound volumes of...
When Amy Welborn started her blog In Between Naps in September 2001, she was one of just a few Catholics using the medium to discuss issues of faith and...