Ireland is known as the land of saints and scholars, and for good reason. Ireland boasts a variety of wild and wonderful saints, including a stunning...
Bludgeoning beats and raucous raps are the soundtrack to Franklinton Fridays, which take place in a trendy art district just east of downtown Columbus, Ohio...
Cosmetic surgery in the United States today is a multibillion-dollar industry—smoothing out wrinkles and plumping up lips is no longer limited to Beverly Hills...
The predominant theme of our contemporary culture is increasingly expressed by a single word: division. From homilies, news, and podcasts to conversations with...
Listen on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts Even 700 years after his death, St. Thomas Aquinas is still one of most influential theologians in the...
The United States does not feel like a great place to be a woman right now. I’m not proud of a nation in which 75 million Americans voted for a convicted felon...
“When we know ourselves, we bring the gift of our history and our culture to one another, to the church, and to the world…I investigate and embrace the...
Introducing In Their Own Words, a new web column from U.S. Catholic. In these essays, academics and other experts provide short, evidence-based...
It did not come as a total surprise when Pope Francis, while visiting the United States in 2015, invoked the name of Dorothy Day. From the beginning of his...
This is an excerpt from Green Saints for a Green Generation (Orbis Books), edited by Libby Osgood, C.N.D.. Reprinted with permission from the author. Before...