Alone Created by Gretchen Palek, Shawn Witt, David George, and Brent Montgomery (History Channel, 2015–present) In 2015, the History Channel aired Alone, a...
A Prophet to the Peoples: Paul Farmer’s Witness and Theological Ethics Edited by Jennie Weiss Block, M. Therese Lysaught, and Alexandre A. Martins (Pickwick...
Creating Spaces for Women in the Catholic Church Edited by Sarah Kohles (Paulist Press, 2023) “From all continents comes an appeal for Catholic women to be...
3D Country Geese (Partisan Records, 2023) If you don’t listen too carefully, 3D Country—the sophomore record from Brooklyn-based indie rock band Geese—might be...
Beef Created by Lee Sung Jin (Netflix, 2023) Broken people doing despicable things that they’d rather not do. Broken people who really want to lead good lives...
Dear Mama God By Daneen Akers (Watchfire Media, Inc., 2023) Children’s books that include feminine images of God are hard to find. This is one of the many...
Lover’s Game The War and Treaty (UMG Recordings, 2023) There’s something about a wife and husband singer/songwriter duo crooning about life together that is...
Playing God: American Catholic Bishops and the Far-Right By Mary Jo McConahay (Melville House, 2023) Some conservative Catholics like to disparage social...
Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution By Rainn Wilson (Hachette Go, 2023) Actor Rainn Wilson’s quarantine project was a book he says he’d been wanting...
Barbie Directed by Greta Gerwig (Warner Bros., 2023) My mom worked as a toy illustrator at Mattel in the late 1990s and early 2000s. When I was little, Barbie...