Sounding Board is one person’s take on a many-sided subject and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of U.S. Catholic, its editors, or the...
Religious education
When she was young, Kay Perdue Meadows never imagined she’d grow up to be a catechist. She also never imagined she’d grow up to be a Catholic. A convert to the...
Attending Mass with young kids is much harder than it seems, and when Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) closed at my parish due to the COVID-19 pandemic...
“Does Jesus pump the blood into my veins?” wondered my intrigued and somewhat confused 3-year-old after I explained that God incarnate lives in her heart. Her...
Most of us wear several hats in our many relationships. We may be children and parents and spouses simultaneously. We’re coworkers, neighbors, friends, and...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: My son is not living up to his responsibilities raising my 6-year-old grandson in the faith. He starts...
When I was pregnant for the first time, my husband and I lived on the edge of the world in Big Sur, California. We spent hours hiking the beaches, cliffs, and...
“The analogy I was taught in my Catholic parish and at Christian camp was that sexuality was like a rose. Every time you have sex with someone, you pull a...
The very first Mass I attended scared and confused me so much I’m still surprised I went back. I was about 16 and it was a LifeTeen Mass at the local...
Two years ago, when we were already busy with three young children, our family was blessed with Ezra. Right away we knew our fourth baby was the most go-with...