The desert mothers and fathers have much to teach Catholics about contemplation and prayer. In the third- to sixth-century desert landscape of Egypt, Syria...
At the threshold of Christmas, our last days of Advent focus on two strong mothers, Elizabeth and Mary. Mothers whose strength in the face of challenges and...
When words become flesh . . . It happened to me for the first time in first grade. The Milwaukee Catholic Herald published my writing as part of a Catholic...
Images are powerful. What we see shapes us. We live in an ever-increasing visual culture where we are constantly saturated with images. It is all too easy to...
The psalmist prophetically proclaims on the second Sunday of Advent, “Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace forever” (Ps. 72). We may...
Mountains of garbage, an overturned container ship, displaced animals: What do these have to do with Advent? Isn’t Advent supposed to be a season of joyful...
We say it every week in church, and it’s the prayer that most unifies Christians of every denomination. For children, though, the Our Father can be one long...
In our daily rush through life, we so often neglect the body’s wisdom. We work through fatigue and illness, pushing our bodies and feeling frustrated when they...
“Your walks feel like a second childhood, when you ran the woods with a pack of dogs and belonged in a way you can’t with humans.” —Rachel...
A teaching evaluation once observed that I was “not afraid of silence” in the classroom. In reality, learning to be comfortable with silence was the hardest...