Pop culture

Whip It!

Directed by Drew Barrymore (Fox Searchlight, 2009)  In Drew Barrymore’s new film about tattooed Texas lasses on skates, Ellen Page, who played...

Popular Songs

Yo La Tengo (Matador Records, 2009) First off, Yo La Tengo is not a salsa band. They're not even Hispanic. They are white, artsy-bohemian types in their...

Reality bites back

New show ideas are endless—and depressing—when real life is the true basis of TV. Thank you, Heidi Montag and your castmates—I mean...

Smart People

Directed by Noam Murro (Miramax, 2008) In a land where brains and hard work are supposed to produce success and happiness, there are a lot of smart, miserable...