Earth-friendly living starts at home. My family's attempts to lessen our impact on the earth remind me of driving a car with a manual transmission for the...
There's no place like home, as long as parents prevent it from becoming toxic. Thoroughly modern parents of the late 20th century might have cracked open a...
A first-time mom sees Easter anew through the eyes of her infant son. For Lent last year, I gave up Easter. To be more precise, I gave up the Easter and Holy...
There are many passages in the parent-child relationship: birth, weaning from the breast or bottle, preschool or kindergarten, high school, full-time work or...
Mosquito netting and malaria medication aren’t usually on the packing list for a family vacation. But seeing the developing world firsthand can be the...
Small children and fictionalized bulls alike can teach us that goofing off can be a noble goal indeed. I smiled when I saw my daughter Cara pull the spring...
By sparing the rod, both parents and children will learn the gospel discipline of nonviolence, argues this mother of four. Five, four, three, two…...
As they gether around the dinner table each evening, the Yala family of Oak Park, Illinois gives thanks to God in both English and Arabic. Dana bows her...
Here's the good news from the land of Catholic teenagers: They want more. They want more religious knowledge, more connection with Jesus, and more...
New parents often describe childbirth and their part in procreation in religious, almost mystical, terms. It’s a “miracle,”...