For our Sounding Board column, U.S. Catholic asks authors to argue one side of a many-sided issue of importance to Catholics around the country. We also invite...
Unlike most other parents, I don’t dread the beginning of the school year because of the kid-related stress (though it definitely contributes to the anxiety of...
My husband and I were engaged in December 2019. We quickly chose our venue and selected a wedding date: January 23, 2021. Then, of course, March 2020 ushered...
My wife recently purchased a new T-shirt: black, sleeveless, and adorned with a punk rock cartoon vampire in a nod to one of her favorite shows. When it...
In Costa Rica, we don’t have much Gothic architecture, for obvious reasons, but we do have a neo-Gothic church built in 1930 in my father’s hometown of...
I had recently given birth to my second child when I first encountered the idea of the “marriage debt.” My ex and I were Catholic converts, and we had become...
My husband and I completely understood why our first marriage prep session went awry: The gentleman in charge wasn’t prepared to conduct the activities without...
Robert Harris is a 33-year-old Black, queer Catholic in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He came to Catholicism at 14, around the time he began developing an awareness of...
A friend once shared that she still wanted to pursue marriage in the Catholic Church someday because she really wanted to experience “those sacramental orgasms...
Got a burning question? Click here to Ask an Apostle. Q: I recently discovered that early in our relationship my now-fiancée had been cheating on me...