Margin Notes

Between Iraq and no place

Iraqis are on the move away from their broken nation. Who will be responsible for them? In the buildup to the Iraq invasion, then Secretary of State Colin...

Domestic traffick report

Not all persons trafficked in the United States are coming in from distant points in Asia, Europe, or Central America. Some U.S. victims of trafficking and...

Promises to keep

Barack Obama’s election was historic, but can his presidency be great? At a time of historic economic, social, and strategic challenges, the election of...

Frosted mini-nukes!

New classes of "usable" nuclear weapons are on the Pentagon's menu. Who's buying?   Bunker Buster the Friendly Nuke was launched by the...

Not-so-special delivery

Sometimes the toxic waste is not just in babies' diapers. The samples reviewed by the researchers at the Washington based Environmental Working Group...

Our sisters’ keeper

A recent United Nations report offers a sobering assessment on the condition of women.   "WOMAN'S WORKS IS NEVER DONE" is an adage that is...

They can do it

Third World women could be the new recruits in the global war on poverty.   Since commodities first changed hands for cash, the women...