I like to say that the job that best prepared me for caretaking my small children was bartending in a busy club: Someone was always waving for my attention, I...
Home Faith
As a new parent, I received all kinds of advice. While I have no doubt that the admonitions, ranging from “enjoy every minute” to “take time for yourself,”...
This was not our first rodeo. After several tense moments of anticipation, the test finally flashed “PREGNANT,” and it became official: our third pregnancy in...
The story of Jesus’ resurrection is the gospel account most central to the faith of Christians, yet, in a paradox, it’s arguably the most difficult gospel...
As a kid growing up in Southern California, I’d pull out the little, red portable record player from under my bed and play one of my favorite records, Music...
An old friend of mine likes to joke that if you go to Mass and the opening song is “Be Not Afraid,” you probably have every right to be fearful. Either the...
Those who ski know that each ski hill has many different runs or ways to the bottom. Runs are classified as green circles (easy), blue squares (medium), and...
When our foster daughter was 2, we had to give her up for Lent. She had lived with us just over a year at the time, and over the course of that year her...
My four children were glued to the front room window when moving vans arrived across the street last summer. They watched each box and every piece of furniture...
Last Ash Wednesday Sister Angie Kolacinski, S.H. marked a cross of ashes on the foreheads of hundreds of adults and children who streamed into Holy Cross...