“You know, it’s not meant to be a reciprocal relationship,” I told the client who was sitting across from me in my psychotherapy office. He’d been lamenting...
Home Faith
My 7-year-old recently entered a new stage of life: He got glasses to help him focus in the classroom. He even picked out frames that closely resemble mine...
As a former youth minister, I’ve played a lot of getting-to-know-you-type games in my adulthood. My main takeaway from all the icebreakers is that it serves a...
I wasn’t particularly offended a couple of months ago when my 4-year-old told me that she wishes Aunt Sarah were her mom because Aunt Sarah is “more fun.” For...
Being the oldest of four brothers, I have found the bond of siblinghood to be a tremendous blessing in my life. Like any healthy relationship, it takes a...
On June 24, 2023, at 9:17 p.m., my internal schema of people most dear to me rearranged itself to make room for our family’s newest member: an impossibly sweet...
Second grade was the year I fell in love with going to school. After being afraid of my kindergarten teacher and subsequently being in her class again as she...
In February 2023, a revival started in the chapel at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. It started with a small group of students lingering after worship...
It crossed my mind recently that what I really need to be the parent I want to be is a personality transplant. When I think of the parents I most admire, in...
Our 6-year-old recently informed my wife and me that he would be going to college three times—because he wanted to be 1) an explorer, 2) a paleontologist, and...