As a former user of natural family planning (NFP) with my wife, I’ve never given National NFP Awareness Week serious attention. But with the Dobbs decision...
Health and wellness
My husband and I were engaged in December 2019. We quickly chose our venue and selected a wedding date: January 23, 2021. Then, of course, March 2020 ushered...
Catholics believe in care for the sick and the dying. Few moral teachings could be less controversial. The most easily offered prayers are for those we know...
Sounding Board is one person’s take on a many-sided subject and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of U.S. Catholic, its editors, or the Claretians. The...
As a history student at the University of Iowa, Evan Hudson did not expect his recreational experimentation with opioids to have long-term consequences. But...
I work with homeless and at-risk youth. I’ve been doing it for 42 years, during the first couple decades in or around New York City and for the last 20 years...
The knife was in his mouth pirate style, the serrated blade turned inward. “No, no, no!” I cried. When I gently pulled the sharp object from my toddler’s lips...
I have a friend in Europe who can barely keep a job. She’s brilliant, well-educated, charming, and loaded with experience in all aspects of her profession. The...
Life is full of trouble. That should be obvious. And, when trouble comes, oftentimes Catholics and other Christians don’t know how to reconcile their grief and...
My father was seriously ill several times in his last years of life. He could have received the sacrament of the anointing of the sick when facing surgery for...