On March 19 Pope Francis issued a new apostolic constitution for the Roman Curia, the offices that help him govern the Catholic Church. Praedicate Evangelium...
Expert Witness
This interview is an edited and abridged version of Linda Dakin-Grimm’s interview with Jeannie Gaffigan and Mike Lewis on the Field Hospital podcast. Linda...
The Springtide Research Institute has spent the past few years studying the religious inclinations and spiritual yearnings of what sociologists call Generation...
Rev. Angela N. Parker is a womanist New Testament scholar at Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology. The refrain “I can’t breathe” is a rallying cry for...
Christina R. Zaker weaves her lens as a woman and mother into every class she teaches at Catholic Theological Union, but that lens is particularly helpful in...
It’s trendy to talk about faith as something that exists in competition with culture. But what if instead of engaging in culture wars, we flipped the script...
Growing up in Manila, the bustling capital of the Philippines, Precious Blood Brother Antonio D. Sison found a reflective space in the cineplex. “I consider...
In 2016 Pope Francis made headlines when he answered a journalist’s question with a pointed reply: “It is not right to identify Islam with violence. This is...
Terry M. Wildman first had the idea of translating the New Testament over 20 years ago. Wildman was living on the Hopi Indian Reservation and serving as a...
Do you behave online in a way consistent with your Catholic faith? This is the question that professor of homiletics Ann Garrido wants us to ask ourselves. In...