"Honorable people have disagreed about the justice of executing the guilty," Sister Helen Prejean, C.S.J. writes in her new book The Death of...
Expert Witness
Making a case for Christianity is not an easy sell nowadays, and no one knows that better than Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. Participation in church life in his...
In his interview with the editors, Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas weighs in on cultural issues in the parish. See our full interview with him, It takes a parish...
To the undiscerning seeker, the slew of spiritual books on bestseller lists and bookstore shelves these days can be overwhelming. Tantalizing titles promise...
With his 1996 book The Real Jesus (HarperSanFrancisco), Luke Timothy Johnson established himself as one of the most forceful critics of the Jesus Seminar's...
The embrace of Saints Peter and Paul depicted in the icon at left found a contemporary echo three years ago when German Bishop Walter Kasper warmly embraced...
St. Paul may be known as the "apostle to the Gentiles," but his high ideals make him an apostle for believers today, too. When you ask Father Jerome...
You've heard of the "overscheduled child," no doubt. Family therpist William Doherty is one of the people you can thank for putting a name to...
Are full family schedules masking emptiness of spirit? A Catholic ethicist and suburban mom challenges families to make time for the really important stuff...
Lay ministry is here to stay, says this theologian. But there are growing pains still to come. When faced with the question “Who are the laity?” in the mid...