Sometimes the toxic waste is not just in babies' diapers. The samples reviewed by the researchers at the Washington based Environmental Working Group...
Ecological justice
We should honor God the Father by caring for our Mother Earth. A recent dispute among Christians brought the gospel to the front page once again in August. At...
The world's poor face an even bleaker future than polar bears, thanks to global warming. Global warming has proved one of the rare issues capable of...
Let's quit giving ourselves permission to wreak havoc on God's good earth. We're not the only ones in whom God delights. All Creation is Groaning...
The poor are victims of our failure to protect the environment. Important climate change legislation outlined last summer provided funds to help poor countries...
Parishes are investing in eco-friendly techniques to save money and the earth. On a cold Saturday morning last December, Father Charles Morris showed just how...
For voters still trying to decide between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, environmental issues won't likely sway them one way (click on their name...
Earth-friendly living starts at home. My family's attempts to lessen our impact on the earth remind me of driving a car with a manual transmission for the...
When Curt Ellis set out to learn about agriculture firsthand for his documentary King Corn (ITVS), he didn't find what he expected. "From an urban or...
There's no place like home, as long as parents prevent it from becoming toxic. Thoroughly modern parents of the late 20th century might have cracked open a...