In the foothills of British Columbia’s Rocky Mountains, about two miles north of the border with the United States, there is a small commune known as Hardy...
Communal spirituality
In 2022 and 2023, Pope Francis invited community organizers from the United States to meet with him at the Vatican. Robert Hoo, a senior staff member and...
It’s a Tuesday evening, and I’m turning to walk down the hall toward my office after a church event. The last volunteer, P, is saying goodbye. As she’s on her...
Imagine you have just read something about Servant of God Dorothy Day. Perhaps you recently rode a Staten Island ferry that bore her name. Maybe you saw Pope...
In 1848, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote that capitalism, with its “[c]onstant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social...
Silvia Guevara remembers precisely why she joined Catholic Charismatic Renewal as a girl in San Alejo, El Salvador, during the 1970s. “It wasn’t boring,” she...
Seventeen young men and two little girls in Teotitlán del Valle, a small Zapotec pueblo in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, have made what’s called a promesa (a...
Our kids yelled at us on Ash Wednesday about not wanting to go to church: They loathed the gritty feel as the ashes were smudged on their skin, the residue...
When I was the current age of my Generation Z grandkids, the person I admired most was my vibrant Lutheran pastor. He knew all about the pent-up energy of...
“Free: spinach dip from Jewel. Bought last week and tried it but don’t like it.” The above post caught my eye as I was scrolling through Facebook one day. Who...