New laws restricting voting rights hit African Americans and the poor particularly hard. That, of course, is no coincidence. Two dozen fragile, white-haired...
The best resource on wage theft is Kim Bobo’s outstanding book Wage Theft in America: Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid—and What We Can Do...
Growing up in what she describes as a “pretty conservative church background” in Ohio, Kim Bobo excelled at memorizing her Bible verses. “I won all the...
At age 85, Jean Gump was released from prison after being arrested and jailed with 12 other protesters. They were caught trespassing at an off-limits federal...
For graduates of peace studies programs at Catholic Universities, the career track can lead to all kinds of interesting places. In her first job out of...
Patrick Edrey graduated from St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota with a major in peace studies in 2004, and he's worked on the issue of...
Want to learn more about peace studies? Here are some resources recommended by people interviewed in Will work for Peace. Publications: Bitter Fruit: The Story...
How parishes can successfully navigate this election year and promote faithful citizenship The year 2008 was a tough one for preachers. In March a video of the...
Includes bonus information on: The easy way to know the difference between justice and charity The pitfalls that lead to "fringe-ism" What's in...
From 1978 to 2006 Sharon Daly tried to convince politicians to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick through legislation. Fighting bureaucracy...