Home Calendar St. Óscar Romero

St. Óscar Romero

Born: August 15, 1917

Died: March 24, 1980

Feast day: March 24

Patron saint of: Christian communicators, the Americas

There are countless examples of “You’re a saint” saintliness in Óscar Romero’s life, many of which were highlighted as part of the case for his canonization. He traveled great distances along narrow and dangerous roads to say Mass and offer villagers the sacraments in remote parts of El Salvador. He arranged medical care for people who lacked the resources to get it themselves, especially the elderly. When he learned that migrant coffee harvesters often did not have places to sleep and were spending nights on the ground in the public square, Romero housed them in church buildings.

For most of his career, though, Romero not only failed to tie the suffering of the poor to larger issues of structural injustice and state violence, he also was openly critical when others in the church did.

Kathleen Manning

More about Óscar Romero:

Óscar Romero’s saintly struggle for justice

“It’s not enough to be good,” said Oscar Romero.

Óscar Romero stood with the marginalized. Christ does too.

This is why Pope Francis reminds us to ‘stay close to the people’ in our work for justice.

Why Óscar Romero’s martyrdom is long overdue

Though his critics persist, Óscar Romero’s martyrdom has finally been recognized.

Óscar Romero: A saint for the poor

Óscar Romero, now back on the path to sainthood, was called to conversion by ordinary Salvadorans.

Óscar Romero: Bishop of the Poor

Romero understood the church is more than the hierarchy, Rome, theologians, or clerics.

A pilgrimage brings Óscar Romero’s legacy to life

Decades after Archbishop Romero’s assassination, one Salvadoreña visits people and places that carry on his message.

Image: Wikimedia Commons