According to physician Brian Medernach, Catholic doctors have a responsibility to live out the gospel through their work in health care. For Medernach and his...
Author - A U.S. Catholic interview
Care for creation often falls low on the list of priorities for the majority of Christians, with many even vocal that environmental stewardship isn’t a...
The so-called Catholic vote was incredibly split after the 2016 election, and many Catholics were left struggling to understand the voting behavior of the...
When people think of their favorite Catholic church buildings, the typical mid-century suburban parish probably doesn’t make the list. To theologian and...
New Revised Standard Version, the King James Bible, the Douay-Rheims, The Message—do we really need yet another translation of the New Testament? David Bentley...
“Rural matters,” says James Ennis, executive director of Catholic Rural Life. For 94 years, this organization has bridged the gap between urban and rural...
Theology professor Celia Deane-Drummond thinks creation care is just good theology. “It’s a fundamental part of our faith,” she says. “It’s not just a marginal...
White parents need to talk to their kids about race—and the sooner the better, says Jennifer Harvey, professor of religion at Drake University and author of...
Fran Quigley grew up in Indianapolis, the eighth of nine children. Raised Roman Catholic and steeped in the church’s social tradition, he says he grew up...
With the help of his aptly-titled book, Jesuit Father James Martin has begun building a bridge between the LGBT community and the Catholic Church. Outraged by...