Resources: How to invest faithfully and responsibly

Peace & Justice
Here are some links to get you investing with some social responsibility.

As You Sow
News on socially responsible investing

Business & Human Rights Resource CentreTracks both positive and negative impacts of more than 5,100 companies worldwide

Christian Brothers Investment Services

The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investment
Resource-rich site with charts comparing SRI mutual funds performance, what they screen for, tools for community investing, and more


Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

Partners for the Common Good
Sister Susan Vickers, vice president, community health, for Catholic Healthcare West is chair of this community investment fund

Principles for Responsible Investment
A U.N.-backed network of international investors working together to put the six Principles for Responsible Investment into practice

Responsible Endowments Coalition
Tools for the college and university-based responsible investment movement

This is a web-only article that accompanies “Sister Pat battles the board,” which appeared in the December 2011 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 76, No. 12, pages 18-22).