I sit in my sunroom, sipping coffee and watching the neighborhood children board the school bus that stops at the corner. I pray for them, and I worry. The...
One day in fourth grade, I checked out from the library a book with a teal jacket bearing intersecting light green circles; it was titled A Wrinkle in Time...
This past April, controversial conservative personality Candace Owens announced on social media that she had “recently made the decision to come home.” The...
As a nation on edge grapples with a gamut of socioeconomic challenges, a powerful political party, desperate to maintain power, seeks a new target. The...
Listen on: Apple | Spotify Matt Devine joins Zoe this week for an incredibly important conversation on LGBTQ+ Catholics and the church. This...
Readings (Year B): Wisdom 2:12, 17 – 20Psalms 54:3 – 4, 5, 6 and 8James 3:16 – 4:3Mark 9:30 – 37 Reflection: Where do the conflicts...
A few years ago, my boyfriend and I went to the Christmas bazaar at our local Catholic parish. We admired the sugar cookies and crocheted ornaments but didn’t...
Kidnapped Directed by Mario Bellocchio (IBC Movie, 2024) In the eyes of a child, Catholicism can be bizarre, a point driven home to me recently when, mid-Mass...
My daughter has always been terrified of bugs, but she likes to help me in the garden. Earlier this spring, as we turned the soil to prepare our garden for...