Scholars of early Christianity are in agreement that interest in the mother of Jesus was mostly initiated by the need to clarify the church’s teachings about...
In Kenya there is a common call and response: “God is good” the speaker calls out and almost reflexively the room answers, “All the time, for that is his...
This essay is the second in a two-part series on clothing in the Bible. You can read the first part here. We turn to the Bible for guidance on many matters...
This essay is the first in a two-part series on clothing in the Bible. You can read the second part here. It all started with a question: “Isn’t she supposed...
It has been nearly 40 years since the Nicaraguan Revolution began and the brutal Somoza family dictatorship was overthrown by the Sandinista National...
Growing up, Pentecost was a big deal in my parish, with a large outdoor youth Mass and barbecue. One by one we would put our prayer intentions for the year...
In walkouts on April 2 that shut down scores of schools, teachers in Oklahoma and Kentucky protested for better pay and increased school funding, adding to a...
Fran Quigley grew up in Indianapolis, the eighth of nine children. Raised Roman Catholic and steeped in the church’s social tradition, he says he grew up...
Scripture is proclaimed on Sunday according to a schedule of passages called a lectionary. For Roman Catholics it is the Lectionary for Mass and for many other...
No. It’s really not. Because it’s not just about us. It’s not OK to leave Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma’s early because it’s not just about eating good food...