The grief around weaning all four of my children still echoes in my heart to this day. To know that perhaps never again will my body be capable of giving life...
Our Faith
I am a child of Korean immigrants. In 1975, my family immigrated to a small white city in Canada. Our neighbors knew little about Koreans except for through TV...
It’s a Tuesday evening, and I’m turning to walk down the hall toward my office after a church event. The last volunteer, P, is saying goodbye. As she’s on her...
In 1550, two Spanish priests were engaged in a heated public debate on a topic of significant moral importance: the rights of Indigenous peoples. Could the...
“The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.”(Psalm 19:2) In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our...
I first came across the writings of Dominican Father Herbert McCabe about seven years after his death in 2001. At the time, there existed a seemingly endless...
It is Eastertime. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and flowers are emerging in glorious color. The Earth is exuberant with new life. I can’t help but...
For me, it started with an unsuccessful attempt at growing vegetables on a shady apartment porch. The next year, it was a few potted tomato plants on the patio...
Ramadan—the most joyous month for about two billion Muslims around the world—is around the corner. March 10 will mark the start of the holy season during which...
“You know, it’s not meant to be a reciprocal relationship,” I told the client who was sitting across from me in my psychotherapy office. He’d been lamenting...