Why are some given the chance to grandparent? Maybe to grow closer to God later in life, or so God can use this time to transform us. The most cantankerous...
Our Faith
One quality that I like about myself is my comfort with a high level of mystery in the universe. When my kids ask questions such as, “What happens to people...
The Acts of the Apostles gives us an idyllic vision of the earliest Christian communities: All who believed were together and had all things in common; they...
At a recent fitness class, I saw a T-shirt slogan that stuck with me: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” While it may sound trite, often kindness...
This is a great question from one of our readers! According to the Gospel of Luke, on the night Jesus is born, an angel appears to a group of shepherds to tell...
When discussing the Bible, Christians often contrast the God in the Hebrew scriptures with the God they believe is found in the Christian scriptures. According...
At first I started looking at the bush because I was bored and a little frustrated. I was on a walk in the woods with my husband and toddler, and I found...
According to French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, when we look into the face of another person, we see the word of God. The face, Levinas writes, is a conduit...
In the foothills of British Columbia’s Rocky Mountains, about two miles north of the border with the United States, there is a small commune known as Hardy...
Growing up in Texas, I often had a stash of Mexican pesos on hand from our recurrent trips across the border. I frequently fiddled with the bills and, raised...