Our 6-year-old recently informed my wife and me that he would be going to college three times—because he wanted to be 1) an explorer, 2) a paleontologist, and...
Our Faith
Ten years ago, I lived by the Venice Beach Boardwalk, famous for its outdoor weightlifting complex known as Muscle Beach. Bodybuilders such as Arnold...
As an adolescent, I never thought I would end up working in theology and ministry. For me, Catholicism was to be tolerated for the sake of family. No more, no...
We are alive because of our ancestors, that “great cloud of witnesses” mentioned in the letter to the Hebrews (12:1). Our grandmothers and grandfathers...
St. Augustine was an African man. For many years, I didn’t appreciate the magnitude of this because his African identity was usually muted in favor of...
What if our theology came not from academics and church hierarchy, but from our very own family histories? Yolanda Pierce is a theologian, author, and dean of...
In his 2018 apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad), Pope Francis speaks of the holiness God bestows on ordinary people—parents...
I’ve never been one to pray novenas, but I recently downloaded the Hallow app as research for another article I’m writing and, committed to trying out a...
Jawanza Eric Clark is an author and associate professor of religious studies at Manhattan College. White Christians’ approach to solving the ecological crisis...
My friend and I were eating at a restaurant in South Bend, Indiana when someone called the police on us. She accused us of scaring her 8-year-old daughter. The...