War and peace

Frosted mini-nukes!

New classes of "usable" nuclear weapons are on the Pentagon's menu. Who's buying?   Bunker Buster the Friendly Nuke was launched by the...

War wounds

   Here's a new strategy for victory in Iraq: surrender to the things we say we believe. Lord have mercy, for we persist in our obstinate ways...

Iran spam

A shockingly awful public relations campaign is underway for yet another war. We get all kinds of mail here at U.S. Catholic: scripture interpretation pasted...

Never again, yet again

   Unless action replaces delay, our denunciations of genocide are nothing but talk. Darfur has become a marquee global tragedy with celebrities such...

Cracks in the system

Deferring infrastructure maintenance for war spending builds a bridge to nowhere. After watching coverage of the minneapolis-St. Paul I-35W bridge collapse...