TV and film

Watch: Moneyball

Directed by Bennett Miller (Sony Pictures, 2011) Baseball can conjure up nostalgic images of peanuts and crackerjacks, sunny days, and cornfields in Iowa. But...

Curious about George

Hollywood’s leading actor shines in roles that show success doesn’t always bring happiness. My seventh-grade English teacher once asserted that...

Draft horse

Steven Spielberg’s latest film is a testament to war’s silent soldier. “Home is the sailor, home from the sea, and the hunter home from the...

Watch: The Artist

The Artist Directed by Michel Hazanavicius (Weinstein, 2011) Those not captivated by Michel Hazanavicius’s silent movie must have a tin ear where their heart...

Watch: The Way

The Way Directed by Emilio Estevez (Arc Entertainment, 2011) If contemplation, as the mystic and spiritual writer William McNamara once said, is “a long...