In the middle of a pandemic, in the midst of shutdowns, the politicization of vaccines, and increasing attention paid to the nation’s violent acts of racism...
“Now hang on a minute. Go back,” said my Jesuit friend over Zoom. “You said you’d made a good discernment. But I hear you saying things didn’t turn out as...
Charges of “virtue-signaling” can be found frequently on social media these days. After the murder of George Floyd, those who expressed outrage at both the...
The term deconstruction was rarely heard in Catholic spaces until early 2021, when musician Audrey Assad tweeted that she hadn’t been a practicing Catholic for...
As a child, sometimes I woke in the morning to a thumping sound from the living room, as though someone was hitting the floor with a wooden mallet. That sound...
In the online Catholic multiverse, there exists a digitally painted reimagining of the coronation of the Blessed Mother by Dani M. Jiménez, a 20-year-old...
When I was 13, I crashed while attempting a new tumbling pass at gymnastics practice. I spent the night in the hospital and woke up with a cast stretching from...
Apathy is not a virtue. But it is an understandable reaction to a world plagued by a changing climate, ongoing violence, and the constant spread of hate and...
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the canonization of St. Teresa of Ávila (1515–1582). Such a milestone is a fitting occasion for exploring and...
One of the least appealing pastimes that I’ve allowed my toddlers to develop is looking at the camera roll on my phone, an activity that they refer to as “Look...